Competition bylaws, conduct codes


Our Competition By-Laws govern our competition play. All registered players and teams at SCNA are bound by our Competition By-Laws. These are regularly reviewed and updated. For the most up to date version, please click on the button below.


Codes of Conduct outline behaviours that are expected of every person involved in the Stonnington City Netball Association. Every person who participates in our competitions should be able to enjoy their involvement, regardless of their role.  This is achieved when there is a common understanding of accepted behaviours, and when everyone who enters our venues or participates in netball either on court or as a spectator, is conducting themselves in the appropriate manner.  

We have adopted Netball Victoria's Codes of Conduct.  There is a General Code of Conduct, which is to be viewed in addition to each of the Codes of Conduct outlined below.

These are the minimum expectations of behaviour for anyone who attends the venues of Stonnington City Netball Association and who participates in Stonnington City Netball Association competitions and programs. 

Breaches of any of these codes of conduct may result in actions and penalties in accordance with Netball Victoria's Competition Regulations and our By-Laws.

Please click here for information on our Child Safety Code of Conduct, Policy. and to contact us confidentially with any Child Safety concerns.

2024 Rule Change Fact Sheet